Sunday, 30 December 2012

A Resolution

There was a post on Google+ that asked what people's New Year's resolutions are and while my response was designed to be funny it has truth to it.

"I haven't been making a new year resolution list for quite some time. I'm still catching up with the last one I made years ago. Haha!"

I made little changes in my life over the last few years and all for the better but there's one thing that had been on my list years ago I haven't been able to do. It's not philanthropic or earth-shaking but I'd like to get fit. Being fit is something I really really need to make a conscious effort to do. I think I ought to for my sake. I mean, my mom has more energy and strength to do stuff than I do and she's 74! So that's my carry-over resolution for this year...get fit.

It's quite hard to do considering I've also decided to do a lot of baking. Well, I've already started the baking I just need to get started on the being fit part. Wish me luck and a Happy New Year to all! =)


Tuesday, 25 December 2012

The Day After Four Years After

It's already the twenty-sixth in my part of the world and I've just finished exporting everything to this new blog home. =D

It's interesting how four years ago today was the last entry my blog had. A lot has changed since then but my life is still as ordinary as any one else's life is. Everyday life isn't all fun and exciting as people make it out to be on Facebook where even an ordinary meal is worthy of a photograph. Haha!

Looking through the entries was like going to the attic and looking through old stuff kept in dust-covered boxes. It was fun. I've discarded some posts I hold no attachment to and kept the ones I still would like to read and re-read. I've changed and so have some of my interests and those are what I would be sharing on here.

If you've decided to read my oldest post then this harkens back to the very first thing I wrote: Without further ado, and with no promise of regular updates, welcome to my world...again. =)