Wednesday 20 June 2007

2007 June 20 - One Word / Lost in Translation

Why?! Why?! WHY do people insist on translating Filipino expressions into English?! Hindi talaga pwede, please lang ano. Minsan papasa pero don't push your luck! Please, for the love of all that's sacred, don't give fodder for people to make fun of you. I mean, "ISANG SALITA" does NOT directly translate to "ONE WORD"! And yes, having an American accent does not validate your translation. Even if you say it with conviction hindi talaga pwede. Gamitin nyo "doesn't keep his/her word" pero, my God, not "one word"!

"One word" as an expression is used in statements such as:
- No, don't say another word! Not one word do you hear?!
- Sum up your experience in one word.

Go forth and sin no more.